Struggling with Acne??? Heres some useful information for you…
Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder characterised by pimples, blackheads and whiteheads.
It often arises at puberty when the body dramatically increases its production of androgens, (male sex hormones) these hormones stimulate the production of keratin, (type of protein) and sebum, (an oily skin lubricant). If sebum is secreted faster than it can move through the pores, a blemish arises. The excess oil makes the pores sticky, allowing P- Bacteria which feeds on the sebum to proliferate and become trapped inside the pore.
Blackheads form when sebum combines with skin pigments and plugs the pores.
The main causes of acne are:
Oily skin
Hormonal Imbalances
Things that can trigger acne to flare up:
Cosmetics – cosmetics containing petroleum based in gradients, industrial oils and chemicals.
Changes in Hormone Levels – As with the female monthly menstrual cycle, PCOS,
Environmental Triggers – Heat ,Seasonal, UV, Humidity, Pollution
Medication – Common medications known to exacerbate acne include: steroids, epilepsy medication and anti- depressants such as Lithium and the contraceptive pill.
Oily hair products – such as: pomades
Other possible contributing factors could be:
Excessive or incorrect cleansing stripping the epidermis which is the protective barrier of the skin!
Underlying Health Problems:
Toxic colon
Overworked Liver and/or Kidneys
The skin is the largest organ of the body. One of its main functions is to eliminate a portion of the body’s toxic waste products through sweating. If the body contains more toxins than the kidneys and liver can effectively discharge, the skin takes over. Toxins escape through the skin and the skins healthy integrity is disrupted.
Nutritional deficiencies and/or a high diet in saturated fats and animal products and sugar can also be involved.
GRADE 1 – comedones, papules – scarring uncommon – your Aesthetician can help you with this. Medical consultations are not required.
GRADE 2 – papules, pustules – scarring may occur – your Aesthetician can help you with this. Medical consultations are not required.
GRADE 3 – papules, pustules nodules – scarring may occur – your Aesthetician can help you with this. Medical consultations may be required. Discuss your options. Treatment is imperative to prevent scarring.
GRADE 4 – Nodules and Cysts – scaring very likely – consult with a medical practitioner.
Prescription medication will most likely be required.
Your Aesthetician can help with the scaring later down the line.
Steps to follow:
Consult with your Aesthetician and try to establish the underlying cause and stage of the acne.
At Silk Laser & Skin we like to work together with other integrative health professionals to help to get to the bottom of the cause. Once we can determine the cause we can achieve a long term solution.
Implement the correct home care routine. There are many effective ingredients out there for managing the milder grades of acne at home. Salicylic Acid, Retinol, Benzol Peroxide, Glycolic Acid, Hypochloris and Non Occlusive Cleansers. Please be wise and consult with a professional. Many self-service acne “cures” actually strip your epidermis making your skin feel clean, but effectively stripping your skins defence barrier. As a result the break outs will worsen.
Deep Pore wash
Thoclor GF 1
Acne Pumice
Salicare Serum
Pimples Be Gone
Moisture Balance
TREATMENT: Oral medications can be prescribed although this is not always advised as they may lead to severe side effects. At Silk Laser & Skin we aim to treat Acne with the correct home care combined with in clinic treatment.
In clinic treatments consist of a combination of Meso-Therapy, Peels, Pixel Peels and Pure Retinols.
Correct home care is imperative, this contributes to 80% of your skin’s health!
Gut Health is also a very important key in creating a healthy skin.
WE RECOMMEND: Dermaclinical’s Gut Cleanse including gut repair and protect and Live Probiotics.
Helpful Supplements:
Listed from topmost importance in order from above
Acidophilus – Replenishes essential bacterial to reduce outbreaks.
Colloidal silver – Acts as a natural antibiotic
Essential fatty acids – Needed to keep the skin smooth and soft, repair tissues and unblocks pores
Vitamin A – to strengthen the protective skin tissue. Combined with Betatene to act as antioxidant.
Vitamin B complex – Important for healthy skin tone, anti-stress vitamin, improves blood flow to surface of the skin
Vitamin C – Promotes immune function, reduces inflammation and repairs the collagen of the skin tissue.
Vitamin D – Promotes healing and tissue repair
Vitamin E – An antioxidant that enhances healing and tissue repair.
Zinc – Helps to prevent scarring
Lifestyle and dietary recommendations:
• High-fiber diet
• Raw food such as almonds, beets, swiss chard
• Fruit mostly rich in alpha-hydroxy acids. Grapes, strawberries and pineapple help to exfoliate the skin.
• Zinc rich foods like soy beans and whole grains. Zinc works as an antibacterial agent
• Drink at least 8 glasses of quality water a day
• Avoid alcohol, butter caffeine, cheese, fried foods, chocolate, soft drinks, cream and eggs
• Try eliminating dairy products from your diet for one month, acne may develop due to an allergic reaction to the dairy.
• Avoid all forms of sugar. Sugar inhibits the immune functioning properly; sugar also promotes the growth of candida which contributes to the acne.
• Eliminate all processed foods from the diet and do not use iodized salt. Processed foods contain lots of iodine and very few enzymes, this can result in damage to the skin and worsen the acne.
• Keep the effected area as free from oil as possible. Wash your skin thoroughly but gently no more than twice a day. Overstimulation and contact with the skin can cause the acne to inflame or spread.
• Avoid wearing any heavy make up. If you feel you must use cosmetics- use water based products that don’t contain harsh chemicals.
• Friction makes pimples more likely to rupture, keep your hair away from your face to prevent excess oil and bacteria from coming into contact with your face – wash your hair frequently.
• As much as possible, avoid stress. Stress can promote hormonal changes and cause flare ups.
• Do not squeeze the spots, to do so is risking increasing the inflammation. Do not touch the area unless your hands have been thoroughly cleaned.
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